How to replace the motor/circulation pump on a dishwasher Zanussi DE6854

  1. Dishwasher
    How to replace the motor/circulation pump on a dishwasher Zanussi DE6854
  2. Safety first remove plug from mains socket
    Safety First
  3. Tools required are a pair of mole grips and a Phillips screwdriver
    Zanussi heater tools
  4. Using the phillips screwdriver remove 2 screws and remove lid.
    Lid removal
  5. Using the phillips screwdriver remove screws and remove side panels
    Side panel removal
  6. Using the phillips screwdriver remove inner screws both sides of door
    Door front removal 1
  7. Using the phillips screwdriver remove 2 outer screws and remove door panel
    Door front removal 2
  8. Using the phillips screwdriver remove 2 screws and remove front bottom closure.
    Front bottom closure
  9. Lay the machine on its back to expose the bottom use a cloth to protect surface
    Base image
  10. Using the phillips screwdriver remove retaining screws from bottom 
    Base removal 1
  11. Using the phillips screwdriver remove retaining screws from cover plate
    Base removal 2
  12.  Using the phillips screwdriver remove retaining screws and remove legs
    Base removal 3
  13. Using the phillips screwdriver remove remaining screws
    Base removal 4
  14. Remove metal cover plate
    Base removal 7
  15. Lift base panel from locating lugs on left side
    Base removal 5
  16. Un clip from the right side and remove base panel
    Base removal 6
  17. Using the phillips screwdriver remove screws to angled cover plate
    Base removal 8
  18. Using the phillips screwdriver remove further  screws to angled cover plate
    Base removal 9
  19. Remove angled cover plate
    Base removal 10
  20. Using the phillips screwdriver remove retaining screws to plastic bottom
    Base removal 11
  21. Using the phillips screwdriver remove further retaining screws to plastic bottom
    Base removal 12
  22. You can now pull the plastic bottom towards you, do not remove completely.
    Base removal 13
  23.  Release 2 clips and remove motor/pump from base.
    Motor clipped to base.jpg
  24. Using the mole grips remove the 2 corbin clips and release motor from hoses
    Motor removal 1.jpg
  25. Make a note of the wires (a photograph is useful) and remove them.
    Motor wires.jpg
  26. Take the new motor from its package ensuring its  correct  for the appliance

    Click on image to purchase
    Motor image.jpg
  27. Replace the wires
    Motor wires.jpg
  28. Fit the new motor to the 2 hoses and secure with the corbin clips
    Motor removal 1.jpg
  29. Re-clip motor to base
    Motor clipped to base.jpg
  30. You can now push the plastic bottom back in and relocate back in appliance.
    Base removal 13
  31. Using the phillips screwdriver refit  retaining screws to plastic bottom
    Base removal 12
  32. Using the phillips screwdriver refit further retaining screws to plastic bottom
    Base removal 11
  33. Replace angled cover plate
    Base removal 10
  34. Using the phillips screwdriver refit  screws to angled cover plate
    Base removal 9
  35. Using the phillips screwdriver refit further  screws to angled cover plate
    Base removal 8
  36. Re-clip from the right side and replace base panel.
    Base removal 6
  37. Lift base panel into locating lugs on left side
    Base removal 5
  38. Refit metal cover plate
    Base removal 7
  39. Using the phillips screwdriver replace the screws
    Base removal 4
  40. Using the phillips screwdriver refit the legs
    Base removal 3
  41. Using the phillips screwdriver replace remaining screws
    Base removal 2
  42. Using the phillips screwdriver replace retaining screws to bottom.
    Base removal 1
  43. The appliance can now be stood up
    Base image
  44. Using the phillips screwdriver replace bottom closure securing with 2 screws
    Front bottom closure
  45. Using the phillips screwdriver replace door panel securing the 2 outer screws 
    Door front removal 2
  46. Using the phillips screwdriver replace inner screws both sides of door
    Door front removal 1
  47.  Using the phillips screwdriver replace side panels and replace screws.
    Side panel removal
  48. Using the phillips screwdriver replace lid securing with 2 screws 
    Lid removal

    See full range of Dishwasher Motors here 

Disclaimer: The information provided has been prepared as a guide only and the steps taken are likely to vary for different appliance models. We strongly recommend using a qualified engineer to undertake major repairs and fault finding.


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