Fridge and Freezer Help & Advice

  • Why does my fridge smell? How to cure a smelly fridge 19/11/2012

    Smelly fridges, what causes this and tips to cure

    Repulsive refrigerator smells can prove to be exasperating and tiresome to deal with. As hard as you try to get rid of visible stains and spills within your fridge, you are still left with a nasty, lingering odor. What makes these odors difficult to deal with is the fact that the plastic interiors of the fridge are odor absorbent, which complicates the removal of bad smells from the fridge. However, the right techniques can help you get rid of these odors quickly and efficiently. Before you deal with bad odor removal, it is necessary to understand why these odors are caused and what you can do to prevent them.

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