How to change the sump hose on a washing machine Ariston AIB16

  1. Washing Machine
    How to change the sump hose on a washing machine Ariston AIB16
  2. Safety first Remove the plug from the mains supply
    Safety First
  3. Tools required are a pair of mole grips and a 7mm spanner
    Mole grip & 7mm spanner
  4. Using a dust sheet to protect the surface lay the machine down on its face
    AIB16 Face down 2
  5. Using the mole grips release the corbin clip attaching the hose to the pump
    AIB16 Sump hose removal 1
  6. Using the mole grips release the corbin clip attaching the hose to the air trap
    AIB16 Sump hose removal 2
  7.  Using the 7mm spanner release the wire clip attaching the hose to the sump
    AIB16 Sump hose removal 3
  8. Grip the hose and pull away from the sump
    AIB16 Sump hose removal 4
  9. Hose removed from the sump
    AIB16 Sump hose removal 5
  10. Remove the hose from the air trap
    AIB16 Sump hose removal 6
  11. Take the new hose from its package ensuring its correct for the appliance
    Ariston AIB16UK Hose Tank To Filter
  12. Apply a little sealant to the hose and locate the new hose onto the air trap
    AIB16 Sump hose removal 6
  13. Apply a little sealant to the hose and locate the new hose onto the sump
    AIB16 Sump hose removal 5
  14. Using the 7mm spanner replace the wire clip attaching the hose to the sump
    AIB16 Sump hose removal 3
  15. Using the mole grips refit the corbin clip attaching the hose to the air trap
    AIB16 Sump hose removal 2
  16. Apply a little sealant and attach the hose to the pump
    AIB16 Sump hose removal 1
  17. Stand the machine upright and its ready for use
    AIB16 Face down 2

    See full range of washing machine parts and hoses here 

Disclaimer: The information provided has been prepared as a guide only and the steps taken are likely to vary for different appliance models. We strongly recommend using a qualified engineer to undertake major repairs and fault finding.


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