How to Deal With Gum Diseases

Most adults have had to deal with gum diseases at one point of time or the other, though it is not as common among children. The first stage of gum disease is also known as gingivitis. If it isn't treated at the right time, it can develop into periodontitis and can seriously effect the tissues that hold the teeth together. The development of periodontitis also means that your teeth may fall out eventually and can severely effect the jaw bone, if it is untreated.

Why can you develop gum disease?

Most often, gum diseases happen because of the building up of plaque in the teeth. Poor oral hygiene is often a culprit, when the person does not brush their teeth properly twice a day.

Without regular brushing, the plaque continues to build up within your teeth. While not all bacteria in the plaque are harmful, some are. And if you let it develop, it irritates your gums, resulting in swelling, irritation and even bleeding.

When should you see a dentist?

If you're suffering from dental swelling or have irritation or bleed when you're brushing teeth, it is important that you pay a visit to the doctor.

Dentists can then carry out a thorough examination of your teeth including your gum health. Often, dentists insert a small thin metal stick with a bend in one end to see the amount of plaque. Sometimes, X-rays may be needed as well to understand the health of the jaw bone.

How to prevent gum diseases?

The best way to ensure that you do not develop any gum disease is to have proper oral hygiene. Brush at least twice a day, and go in for regular dental check-ups. Have your teeth thoroughly cleaned by your dentists regularly - this professional cleaning ensures that all plaque gets removed.

The important thing to remember is that you would need to visit your dentists regularly to get your teeth checked. A visit every six months to your dentists can help you identify the problems at an early stage.

Additionally, you will need to visit your dentist more often if you had gum diseases before - your dentist would be the best person to advise you on when your next appointment should be.

One of the other things that you need to keep in consideration is that gum diseases are more likely to happen to smokers and diabetics.

Complications that you should be aware of

It is very important to stop the gum disease right at the first stage. This is because if you develop periodontitis, it can have severe effects like receding of gums, gum abscesses that are really painful and even loss of teeth, as the gums will not have the power to hold the teeth together.


Disclaimer: The information provided has been prepared as a guide only and the steps taken are likely to vary for different appliance models. We strongly recommend using a qualified engineer to undertake major repairs and fault finding.


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