How to replace a sump hose on a Hoover HNF7138 washing machine

  1. Washing Machine
    How to replace a sump hose on a Hoover HNF7138 washing machine
  2. Safety first remove plug from mains socket
    Safety First
  3. Tools required are Flat-head screwdriver, mole grips and a 7mm socket.
    Tools required for Hoover HNF7138 washing machine
  4. Hoover HNF7138
    Hoover HNF7138
  5. Using the 7mm socket remove 6 bolts and remove the back panel
    HNF7138 back removal
  6. Turn the appliance on to its side protecting with soft cloth to remove the base.
    Base panel removal
  7. Using a flat-head screwdriver remove 2 plastic retaining pins.
    Base panel removal 2
  8. Using a 7mm socket remove 2 bolts and metal brace, remove base
    Base panel removal 3
  9. Sump hose in possition
    Sump hose in possition
  10. Using the mole grips release the corbin spring clip
    Corbin clip removal
  11. Remove hose from the pump.
    Sump hose removal 2
  12. Gently pull the hose away from the pressure vessel.
    Pipe removal pressure vessel
  13. Using the 7mm socket release the wire clip and remove hose from the sump.
    Sump hose removal 1
  14. Take the sump hose from its package ensuring its correct for the appliance.
    Sump hose image
  15. Using a suitable sealant fit the new hose onto the sump
    Sump hose in position 1
  16. Using the 7mm socket tighten the wire clip.
    Sump hose removal 1
  17. Replace the hose onto the pressure vessel.
    Pipe removal pressure vessel
  18. Using a suitable sealant connect the new hose onto the pump
    Sump hose removal 2
  19. Using the mole grips fit the corbin spring clip.
    Corbin clip removal
  20. You are now ready to replace the base panel.
    Sump hose in possition
  21. Replace the base panel securing with 2 plastic pins and brace.
    Base panel removal 3
  22. Using the 7mm socket replace the back panel.
    HNF7138 back removal
    See all hoover washing machine spares

Disclaimer: The information provided has been prepared as a guide only and the steps taken are likely to vary for different appliance models. We strongly recommend using a qualified engineer to undertake major repairs and fault finding.


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