Mowing Wet Or Long Grass
Cutting a Wet Lawn
Pull a hose across the lawn to 'squeegee' the dew or rain off. It will dry much quicker now if you can afford to wait awhile. If you cannot wait, then it is alright to start mowing straight away
Raise the height on your mower to reduce the load on the mower's engine
Empty the bag/box of clippings more often. This will mean less weight for you and for your mower
Keep the speed lower to reduce the load on the blade of the mower
You will likely face clogging, so always remember to shut the machine off before cleaning
Hose the mower down after you use it, and then leave it in a well-ventilated area to dry
Mowing Long Grass
The best way to mow long grass is to keep to your regular mowing height before you are going to leave it for a long period. If the air is dry, then don't add water to the lawn as it will grow more, and if you are usually feeding the lawn, then do not in the six weeks that lead up to the period you will not be cutting the lawn.
As soon as you get back from holiday is the right time to make your grass cutting changes. Raise the height of the mower to keep with the 'one third rule', and then give it a good high cut. Two or three days later you should mow it again while on a lower setting, but still follow the 'one third rule'. You should now be ready to make the proceeding cut at your regular mowing height. This also happens to be a good procedure when you haven't had the chance to mow due to wet or bad weather.
This procedure works best with a rotary mower, and a cylinder mower will be a struggle.